Free Oil Filter Voucher
Good for up to Two Filters
Used Oil Recycling Event
December 7, 2024
7:30am - 5:00pm
Western Riverside Council of Governments
WRCOG's Used Oil Recycling Program seeks to reduce the improper disposal of used motor oil, which can contaminate water and the environment. WRCOG certifies collection centers, distributes used oil collection containers at events, and educates do-it-yourselfers about recycling used motor oil through weekend collection and filter exchange events. The Program is funded by the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) and is operated in partnership with WRCOG member jurisdictions.
Quick, Easy and Free Filters and Oil Recying Kit.
"I didn't know how easy it was. I requested the Voucher for two free Oil Filters. Took my used oil into the location, gave them the used filters and voucher, and they gave me two of the same filters for free. Feels good to do my part.
Jane Smith | Riverside
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